The Half & Other Half 1/2+1/2

How are these vehicles different from current transport and why does that matter?

Each suggests a different approach to designing and deploying our lightest and most accommodating, slow-speed, urban vehicles.

Each provides for the users to determine how much of a cover is being provided for an otherwise almost completely open platform, depending on weather conditions and other factors such as the desire for quiet or privacy.

One has a capacity of up to nine people, the Other only three, and maybe personal, passenger, cargo, or multi-modal. The Half provides for wheelchairs and hand trucks. A version of the Other Half could also.

Most users will be provided with resting places that permit them to choose their posture, recumbent, sitting, leaning, or standing.

Foot and arm cranks will enable energy to be generated, and channeled, into the electrical system, to be used when needed.

They use the least material to accomplish several important tasks, durably, beautifully, economically, sustainedly, and creatively.

One element of this effort is to design for, and have a strong effect upon, over time, the way in which these devices are deployed and the conditions under which they are provided to their operators.

Financing these vehicles, in a manner that enables the eventual ownership of them to be provided to users, is a common feature of the Halves.

Their uniqueness can give local identity to these conveyances and, over time, making them unique through their design and decoration, can emphasize local history and the identity of current residents, can transform these objects into a new medium of expression, education, and needed direct communication.

All local economies can benefit from having a live local employment exchange, a listing of local spaces to be rented, or even sold, offers to donate things that are being discarded, music being played, public and private services available within the vicinity, etc. which also incorporates a digital element.

Since there are three 1/3 day shifts available for the Half, it is likely that there will be groups of two, three, or more different individuals attending to one route.  A mechanism for resolving disputes and a system for ensuring equitable activity will be developed. Means of enabling this arrangement could help foster similar, small group, local, beneficial, efforts.

The Other Half is a personal/3-person/pedal cab/cargo vehicle, which also has the ability to move forward in both its 3’ and 6’ directions so that it is possible to sit abreast instead of behind one another, somewhat more “sociable”.

While using advertising and commercial sponsorship as one means of gaining income from the operation of these vehicles, it is expected that these sources of income would be derived from local businesses and professionals.

These machines conform to current NYS and NYC legal regulations regarding these forms of transportation, are and perfect solutions to urban congestion, yet there is nothing resembling them on the roads at the present time.

Tip-only, free transportation along the regular route could be economically feasible if the income generated by other means is sufficient. Tours, place to place travel, and other higher income-producing activities can be blended in.

Contact Steven Stollman: Email | Tel. 212 431 0600

steve stollman

Gallery Exhibit at 704 Columbia Street

Who remembers the bicycle shop around Houston and Mulberry Streets in downtown New York?steve stollman

Steven Stollman, pictured above, used to own and run that bicycle shop by the Puck Building from 1974-2010. He has owned 704 Columbia Street (former home of WGXC radio) on 7th Street Park for the past ten years. Steven just sold the building, and for the next two weeks, until October 9th, he is opening up the ground floor for visitors to his art gallery.

The show is a combination of two shows, Going Nowhere Fast and The Mulberry Street GangGoing Nowhere Fast, initially shown in 1991 at the Municipal Arts Society in Manhattan, focuses on the need for human and solar-powered transportation. Thirty years later, Steven notes that not much has changed in transportation options, “We really have gone nowhere fast.”

steve stollman light wheels

Five’ll Get You Ten or Eleven

This human/solar/electric-powered vehicle

was originally going to be five feet long, for personal use or as a pedicab with one passenger.

In the process of being designed and constructed

As it was forming, it became apparent that making the second compartment a foot longer, and a foot wider, could carry a wheelchair as well, or additional riders. Upon further reflection, it was realized that the same polycarbonate, now acting as a ramp, could also be designed to convert into a platform and carry a number of additional passengers. When not in use, all of this becomes the entry door to the second compartment. The roof carries a solar panel and the entire vehicle is designed to be enclosed in a weather-protecting, clear, shell. Now, fully deployed it is 11’ long, but only 3’ wide.

There are intended to be two versions of this vehicle. One, as currently pictured, is largely made of aluminum and polycarbonate, both fairly expensive materials. The second is intended to use the same basic design, but to be constructed primarily out of available materials, wood 2x4s, etc. Both are slated to use $125 “transport” wheelchairs, employed to carry patients from their rooms to the curb as structural anchors, and wheels and pedals up-cycled from discarded bicycles. The more expensive version is intended for use in urban spaces throughout the world, all plagued by excessive traffic and the social and dangerous environmental damage being caused by our present system. The less expensive model can be used in those places with limited resources but the same needs for clean, comfortable, convenient, and economical urban transport. The construction methods are relatively simple and accessible.

In order to conserve space, and thus maximize capacity, users will be provided with a device that helps them be comfortable in a somewhat standing position, supported in a number of different ways. While sitting can seem perfect, part of the reason for this is our natural proclivity to relax but also we do it to go along with prevailing norms. We are compelled, from the youngest age, to accommodate ourselves to seated positions, at church, school, and the dinner table. Certainly, there are times when this is ideal, but we are bipedal creatures, and while we don’t climb trees much, we walk and run and stand around talking like this is our most natural posture. If we can be erect, with some modest support offered to our glutei maximi, an enhanced perspective, and other advantages can chime in, along with the health benefits.

Pedaling while standing is offered as an alternative on some currently available conveyances. Not only is it possible, but all cyclists sometimes stand on their bikes when going up a hill, racing, etc. Without additional support, this can be strenuous and is only done in bursts when needed. In order to make the best use of this situation, a device is being engineered which will enable the rider to suspend themselves in a comfortable and easy-to-use, harness. This enables the rider’s weight to now be distributed over a number of different places, feet, crotch, butt, midsection, forearm, and armpits, as well as hands. This has to be good for our joints and muscles. and for many, more enjoyable too.

There can even be arm-powered cranks available to passengers as well as the driver, to help propel this machine. Some people like to use every opportunity to get a little workout and it could provide serious satisfaction to know you are helping to move yourself. In any case, everything here is optional. Since the vehicles can be used without the driver pedaling, or cranking, on electric power alone, the whole idea here is to provide options. This device can be open to the air, like a bike, or totally enclosed against harsh weather. It can be used by a single person as their ride, or converted into a cargo/utility vehicle or pedicab. Allowing for a multitude of postures, from recumbent to sitting to standing is probably much preferred but seldom provided. We are used to being given our shape and expected to assume it. In reality, we’d much rather be offered a choice and given the freedom to make our own decisions.

If you’d rather be pinned to the pavement at 120 mph on the autobahn in your Maserati I understand why this makes no sense to you. If you’re not excited about what is currently out there, who could maybe use a way to make a living as an entrepreneur, and a way to get around, this might click.

I hope something like this can work, because, if the only way that they can find to save cities from strangling themselves with traffic is to let those who can afford it, keep their stretch limos humming, while they price all the small players out, that changes the definition of what cities, especially one like New York, are all about. If it is just the owning class and the servants, rest assured that there will be no room whatsoever left, for the wonderers and the wonderful.


steve stollman light wheels steve stollman light wheels steve stollman light wheels steve stollman light wheels steve stollman light wheels steve stollman light wheels steve stollman light wheels steve stollman light wheels

Eleven 120″ x 42″ x 75″

light wheels light wheelslight wheels light wheelslight wheels light wheels light wheels light wheels light wheels light wheels light wheels light wheels light wheels light wheels